Grab Express are always working towards reducing our impact on the environment
and finding new ways to become more eco-friendly. In addition to this, we work to a strict health and safety policy to ensure that our team and clients are safe at all times. For services in London, Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire, call the team today.
Contact us today for a free quotation: 020 8058 2001
Health and Safety Policy
The Company recognises that under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, the Company has a legal duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all its employees, all members of the public and all users of its premises.
The Board of Directors of the Company accepts this duty and it will continue to be the policy of the Company, as it has always been, to give the greatest importance to these matters, considering that safety is a management responsibility at least equal to that of any other management function. It is equally the legal duty of every employee to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and any other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work and to co-operate with management in ensuring the safety, health and welfare of employees as a whole.
The Board and management of the Company believes that, with such care and cooperation by employees, it is possible for it to conduct its operations in such a way that injury to employees and loss or damage to plant or property can be reduced to a minimum. To achieve this, the Company will continue to make available safety training, to provide personal protective equipment where necessary and to regularly review its safety organisation and procedures.
Comply with current statute law and other requirements in UK and Eire operations
Prevent work related injury and ill health
Safe means of handling, transporting articles, substances and people
Identify and provide appropriate training and ensure competence
Adequate training, instruction, information and supervision
A safe place of work with safe access and egress
A safe and healthy environment
Identify hazards and assess risks that can be foreseen and ensure that appropriate protective and preventative measures are implemented for our colleagues, customers, independent contractors and the general public
Adequate welfare facilities
Involve all of our colleagues with health and safety and make safety an integral part of everyone’s role and accountability
Set objectives in annual appraisals and drive continuous improvements to health, safety and welfare performance and allocate the required resources
Monitor the performance of safety objectives and activities against this policy statement
We also ensure, so far as reasonably practical, that the way we carry out our work does not affect the health and safety of the general public.
We remind our employees of their duty to look after their own health and safety and ensure that they do not endanger others and that our employees must co-operate with us in meeting our legal obligations.